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Alternative Therapies
Alogo Equine Massage
22405 Contact Person: Katie Bromley
Email Address:
Click here to show email hmeadows83(at)gmail.com
Website: http://www.alogomassage.com Phone: 540-272-2891
Is your horse performing at their best? Want that extra edge? Try equine massage therapy.
The benefits of equine massage therapy are expansive, including the following:
Helps to Prevent Injury – As you exercise your horse, you are building up his muscle. This is done when many small tears are made in the muscle fibers during exercise, which are then repaired with scar tissue over the next couple days. Massage helps to break down the scar tissue, allowing muscles to be elastic and flexible.
Improves Circulation – Massage dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow to the area. Increased circulation can help speed recovery of injured muscle tissues and restore mobility.
Increase Range of Motion – Between stretching tissues, improving muscle tone and lowering stiffness and swelling, equine massage therapy can expand a horse's range of motion, allowing them to become more effective under saddle.
Reduces Stress – Horses experience stress and anxiety just like we do, and massage relaxes them just as it does us. When muscles are rubbed, there is a sedative effect on the nervous system, which helps with relaxation and can improve disposition.
Call Alogo Equine Massage for all your massage needs.
Katie Bromley (540)272-2891
Offer multi horse discounts