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CannonBone Farms
[ MAP ]
13344 post oak rd SPOTSYLVNIA,
22551 Contact Person: JULIETTE CANNON
Email Address:
Click here to show email juliette.cannon(at)gmail.com
Website: https://cannonboneracing.webs.com/ Phone: 2023306169
For many of us horse is a large animal that we cannot really keep at home. We have the dream of having one, being friends with one and riding one. So many of us just go to a farm a ride one and get all sorts of experiences, good or bad. For many this dream is impossible to realize. For some it falls flat on expectations.
Our Farm and Team started with a dream of understanding horse's way. The horses we ride are partners. It is perhaps simple fact of nature, that each of them has bounded to humans in a different way. It is because each human's dream about their horse is different. It is because horses can interpret that dream in their own unique way. In horse's way of life humans need help. And each of our horses knows that. We have helped many people to strengthen their bodies, souls and minds by developing this unique relationship between them and a horse. That horse each time heals people in horse's way. And there isn't a better way of explaining what we do at CBR Stables.